Labels & Tags | Ready To Engrave Labels & Tags

flexible-and-rigid-materials-for-custom-labelsLabels are needed for warehouse shelves, bins, mailboxes and almost anything you can think of. Sticker labels look cheap and will fade and denigrate overtime. Using Gravotech materials allows you to get the most out of your labels. UV/sunlight stable, rotary or laser, surface or subsurface, custom colors…the options are endless.

For special applications, metal labels have a more polished and luxury look opposed to regular colored plastic. Metallex™ give you all the benefits of metal, without the hassle or cost. Using a rotary or laser engraver, there is no need to paint fill, use an oxidizing agent, or worry about tarnishing. Give your labels the glam they deserve with Gravolase™ Metallics.

For more information about creating your own labels with your laser or rotary machine, contact our office.

Phone: 770-623-0331


Metallex™Metallics Laser/Rotary
Ref# 21902IN STOCK
Stickalase™Plastics Laser/Rotary
Ref# 19871IN STOCK
Flexilase™Plastics Laser/Rotary
Ref# 66985IN STOCK